We believe that we all need to operate in as sustainable a manner as possible.
At the Andora Guest House, we recognise the impact of our business on the environment and are committed to conducting our operations in a way that ensures environmental sustainability.
We are undertaking the following actions to strive to responsibly lessen our impact on the environment wherever we sensibly can, by:
- Factoring the environment in our everyday decisions.
- Raising awareness and encouraging our team to carry out more sustainable business practices by informing and involving them and brainstorming best practices.
- Recycling paper, newspapers, cardboard, bottles, glass, batteries, fluorescent and long-life bulbs, cans and cartridges.
- Operating a ‘switch off’ policy for ourselves by turning off TV’s, computer equipment and our printer when not in use.
- Only use washing machines when there is a full load
- Reducing our usage of harmful cleaning chemicals and replacing these with eco-friendly products wherever possible.
- Reducing our usage of paper by printing double sided.
- Encouraging our guests to explore the local attractions by public transport, bicycle or on foot.
- Updated Information on walks, cycle routes, cycle hire and other activities, bus timetables can be obtained at our local Atkinson Centre.
- We will continue to:
- Have hallway lights on movement sensor or timer switches
- Use low energy light bulbs.
- Change towels only at guests’ request
- En-suite showers rather than baths, saving water.
- Buy smaller kettles to reduce water waste and save energy
- Monitor our energy consumption of gas, electricity and water.
- Use electronic mail where possible to reduce the use of paper.
- Turn off unnecessary lights and taps.
- Buy in bulk.
- Recycle glass, plastic, papers & tins
- Source our goods and services locally where possible.
- Offer hot drinks from sustainable and fairly traded sources
We are working on projects to:
- Update our website with green travel information e.g. local bicycle hire.
- Continue to reduce our energy consumption by 10% by looking at energy saving devices such as movement lighting and working on long term projects such as implementing LED lighting.
- Look at being more involved with local community projects.
- Reduce water use by 10% by continuing to fit water saving devices in toilets.
- We will always comply with the law in all our actions and will continuously review our policy to improve our environmental impact.
The Andora Guest House is dedicated to balancing our commitment to our Green Policy without compromising on the comfort, standards and enjoyment of our guests
Green Policy for our Guests
We would like to enlist the help of our guests in achieving our aims by asking them to:
- Turn off lights when leaving the room.
- Only use the washing machine when it is a full load.
- Turn off the television when leaving the room.
- Turn off taps, while cleaning teeth.
- Limit the use of heating and turn it off when a window or door is open to the outside.
- Leave newspapers, cans and bottles out of the bins so they can be collected separately by us for recycling.
- Support our towel and linen Policy
Our policy is to ensure that guests have a comfortable stay. Therefore, sheets will be changed every week and towels will be changed (where necessary) when the room is cleaned. Guests are asked to place all towels to be changed into the shower.
Spare Books
If you have any spare books that are in good condition which you no longer want, please leave them in the kitchen area and we will take them to the Charity Shop.
We very much welcome your support in achieving our aims and we appreciate any recommendations you have to further improve the guesthouse’s environmental performance.
Please feel free to email us any suggestions you might have.